Friday, August 3, 2012

Let me introduce ourselves....

My son and I when he was three months old.
I have been contemplating starting a blog for a long time, so here it goes. I am a thirty seven year old working mama who has a two and a half year old son. I have been reading aloud to him since before he was born. We read aloud daily, often, more than an hour a day. We collect books, and lots of them. I believe reading aloud to my child is just as important as feeding, clothing, bathing and changing his diaper. Sound obsessive? Maybe, but to me, the time we spend reading together is priceless. We explore new worlds and learn many new things through the books we read. Sometimes it's exhausting, but rewarding all at the same time. So I am recording our journey here in hopes to inspire others to read aloud to their children.

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