Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy 200th Anniversary Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

Can you imagine having a first edition of an original Brothers Grimm book of fairy tales? Or better yet, can you imagine the many snowy cold nights they spent sitting by crackling fires listening to the stories they recorded for prosperity? If it weren't for people such as the Grimm Brothers, we may never have heard such stories as Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, Snow White and Red Rose, The Frog Prince, and Rapunzel.

In celebration of their 200th anniversary, I want to share with you illustrations from my favorite version of the Snow White and Red Rose story. This version is illustrated by Adrienne Adams and printed by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1964.

Did you read aloud any of Grimm's fairy tales today?


  1. I love these illustrations. There is a new Phillip Pullman version of the Grimm's tales that was released this year and I am looking forward to checking it out. Thanks for linking up to The Children's Bookshelf this week.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! I love different versions of fairy tales. Thanks for reading!
